Monday, December 13, 2021

summer learning journey work day 1

 Hello bloggers 

Today my class and I watched Nano girl. She was making three types of paper planes.  one was regular then second one was that you had to cut a line to make a two circles then you need a tape that sticks the circles into a line that make lt fly for third on was little tricky to make after make lt got kinda good looking after we had finished so now l am showing you guys mine hope you like and comment on my blog here it is.


Monday, December 6, 2021

Tree Adventures

 On Friday, the Year 6s and I went to Tree Adventures. We had a big cool looking bus that we were going on. After a very long drive we arrived. Everyone was excited, we got into the gear that will helped us to climb. A lady then came to share the rules to follow. especially when we are on the trees. We were all set to go after the practise course. I really loved the zipline, I was able to come down quickly, fast and in the air. I found it tricky to go through the obstacle course. The trickiest one was when the wooden planks were wobbly. 

Check out my picture below and make sure you leave a comment.

MK summer learning 2021

 Hello bloggers 

Today me and my class we did summer learning journey we had to chose a art work that will post onto our blog i did a astronaut it looks like a real one  but we had color in so it can look real  but here's mine hope you guys like

here will find it

Monday, November 29, 2021

my minecraft speedrun animation

Hello Bloggers,

I made this animation about minecraft. I really hope you guys enjoy it. 

Sunday, October 31, 2021

my grid map


     here is steve and he needs to go to the village. can you guys help steve on his journey first he  see a pokemon ball and he needs to defeat mystery animal and then he goes threw the forest there will be a pilger outpost then you kill all of them  then you will reach the villager.


Friday, October 22, 2021



     his dog is like a diamond finder

Monday, October 18, 2021




Tuesday, August 17, 2021

4 facts about olympics

Hello bloggers 

Yesterday me and my class were learning about olympics we had to discarbe 4 facts about olympics now i am gonna tell you guys some facts that i gonna  tell you guys number 1 fact is this The Olympic games began in Olympia, Greece in 776 BC (that’s almost 3000 years ago!). It was a sporting competition to celebrate excellence and honour the god Zeus. now on to number 2 is that is this the first few olympics just had a running race and only lasted one day, but more events got added on later and it became a five day event. Because ancient Greece would often have conflicts going on between city-states there would be a sacred truce (Ekecheiria) during the games so that athletes and spectators could travel to and from Olympia safely.and now on to number 3 that is Competitors from all over Greece and sometimes beyond would compete in sporting events including foot-races (running), the pentathlon (running, long jump, discus, javelin and wrestling), boxing, wrestling, the pankration, and equestrian races (horse and chariot). Pankration is a combination of boxing and wrestling and was a particularly brutal event. now lucky and finely number 4 that is the last fact Fun Fact: the participants would also compete naked! In fact the Greek word for nude was gymnós which is where our word for gymnasiums comes from.

The ancient olympics also did not allow women to compete in the events, and only unmarried women were allowed to be spectators. Despite this, in 396 BC Kyniska of Sparta became the first female Olympic victor for the chariot race, because the owners of the horses were considered the winners of the race, not the riders.

Instead of receiving gold, silver and bronze medals, there was only one victor in each of the events and they were rewarded with a wreath (wild olive leaf crown), and of course the glory and honour of being an olympic victor (in other words – bragging rights!).

Friday, August 13, 2021

the monarch show

 On Tuesday me and my classmates watched a show in the hall and when we got there the show was nearly about to start and every one was excited when the show was started and then the show had started and there was a lady being a grandma scientist and her daughter and then first it looked like that the daughter was flying  but then the grandma scientist was lifting her up like a butterfly but then  the daughter pretended to be the builder and when grandma scientist looked at builder and then she said to grandma scientist we need to remove the butterfly center and make a motorway  and then the builder went and became the daughter and she got a time machine and travelled back into the pass and the grandma was a lady and she asked us to hide the girls and then she said to the girls that sit down and then the daughter traveled back with the time machine and then again the grandma  became something  else and then the daughter.and here are some photos.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

the lion cage

  Hello bloggers 

today me and my class  had to watch charlie chaplin  on youtube he is a silent guy that makes funny stuff   and then when he get s case by a cheetah and into the lions cage and then a dog the dog was barking charil  but then the lion was nearly waking up but charlie made the lion to sleep by lullaby and then a women  came she was fainted front charile and then there was a door near the lion and then there was cheetah in the other side of the cage and then the women who fainted that opened the door  and charlie ran up to the pole and he was flying his hand s like a bird  and then he came down and then he and the women lived happily after. and here is a photo of him in the lion cage.


Wednesday, July 28, 2021

2020 Tokyo olympics fan zone

 hello bloggers 

we went 2020 tokyo olympics fan zone.When we got out of the bus people were given us wristband the and then we had someone from the olympics her name was debbie tanner then we got to ask her question and she tells how she got select to olympics then she said that was her dream to be an olympian and be famous she always liked to eat weetabix with milk and fruit and liked to sprint  and she loved sports when she was little girl and after that she finish her speech a man said to our school  that guys have go  to the games zone and then we stared to play there was a game baseball on  a tv and jumping game was on the tv too and then there was a basketball shooting game and balance game  and then the man said to to swap the zones and when we went there was a giant skateboard and a huge tv to watch some of the videos of tokyo 2020 and then after that was over we went to take a photo with a giant skateboard.  Here  are some photo of us that we took and hope you guys like it.


Monday, July 26, 2021

bicycle training

 Hello bloggers,

We had bike training on wednesday and we had two couches one was a women second couch was a man and then we went choose our bikes i chose the blue bike with yellow stripes and then our coach said the people don't how ride a bike and the people know how to ride a bike go to the other cort  and then our couch said that to play for bit then the couch said on my side  said to play a game of red light yellow light green light and throwing bean bags and then the couch said to us that to be in groups so then the couch said to groups two team one yellow vs blue and red vs green and the we had throw  bean bags and then nearly the was going to ring but we had to put the bike away for the other classes

Friday, July 23, 2021

kainga ora - subway

 hello bloggers 

we had subway because we won in a competition and then the kinga ora people came to take photo with the people  and then our principle and the came took a photo  with us and we our teacher said that you have finish all the subway and the cookie and the water bottle and we and the people who was with us they left and then our teacher said hold up the subway pack so and then suddenly we had to pack up and then we start to pack up

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

my awesome tank animation

 dear bloggers 

i made a tank animation but i haven't finished my work but hope you

guys like my one and please comment  on my one 

here will you will find the animation

Friday, June 11, 2021

second flight of the wonder project

 Dear  Bloggers 

On Tuesday we had a second flight test i had to be a videographer and a safety officer

and the other friends  were engineer 1 and engineer 2 and the statistician  we had to file the bottle with water for first on 30 psi  and second was the 40 psi and how much air it will go and our one was went higher and then it came down.and here are some photos of our team mates pumping the rocket

and hope you guys .

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

week 5 lesson on the wonder project

Namaste bloggers 

So we learnt about second module of aerodynamics .

Then we had to go back to class to modify our rocket.

And then we had a to stick the string on to the bottle.

And then we made the the fins with cardboard boxes.

And stick the fins on the bottle with hot glue gun.

Then we had trace the height of the bottle.

And then we had to wave with string the bottle.

And it was going circle.

Friday, May 28, 2021

the wonder project weak 4 Aerodynamics

 Dear bloggers 

Yesterday we had season on the wonder project 

we saw how rocket gets up to space 

and come down  with a tiny parachute

but we tested with paper plane but the first one 

how far it will go and how many meters

my one went to my friends he had my one 

and then our teachers said we had to go back to class 

to make our rocket so we only had two bottles

because  people  wasn't bring bottle

and here are photo of when me we thoring the paperplane 

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

healthy eating

my work from yesterday and hope guys  like it